Thursday, December 01, 2005

At the Beach 2

I love these pictures of my grandparents at the beach. I have gotten a pretty strong idea of what their personalities were like when they were young. You can tell from the way they appear in all of these pictures: my grampa smiling and silly at times, my grandma many times demure and not looking directly at the camera.

I have a feeling, however, that my grandma secretly had a great sense of humor. Note the slight smile on her lips... I remember one surprisingly funny thing that my grandma said when we were young. We were having dinner at their apartment in Williamsville, she, my mom, brother and I, most likely Swiss Chalet because we often got that when we went to eat at their place. Referring to an item that no one had room for, she said: "Well, better not let it go to waste. I'll let it go to my waist." My mom got a great kick out of that.
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Blogger Emory Mayne said...

Awsome..I can see why this is a favorite of yours.

2:37 AM  

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